- The ^ posed Guide -
We created this guide to help you feel a little more comfortable going into a photo/video session with us.
We know what it's like staring down the barrel of a lens and second guessing your smile and if you look normal and what the HECK do you do with your hands. We get it and it doesn't have to be that hard.
To start with, smiling, laughing and doing what you normally do with your hands is something you have probably done without a second thought your whole life. If you are able to shift your focus it should come back naturally.
Think about the last time you and your fiancé went for a walk together. You might have been walking holding hands, you might have stopped at the water's edge and hugged your partner from behind, never once thinking where you should put your hands. (Well, hopefully not in public at least...)
We hope that you can start to feel that same way with us. If that means sometimes ignoring us, or changing the way you stand, by all means do it. We want your focus to be on your partner and in a way that is right for you. That can look different for everybody and we hope that we can help you feel yourselves.
One little thing you can do to focus on each other is to think about the decision you just made and the reasons you decided to be with your new husband/wife. THEN TELL THEM! This is such a perfect moment to let rip the unofficial vows, the candid stuff that maybe you felt too shy to say in front of a crowd. This might be the first proper quiet moment together from that day, so use it and enjoy it.
Next, movement not only looks absolutely amazing on camera, but is also a great way to not feel stuck thinking about what to do next. A few examples of how this might work is to imagine you are standing facing each other - you could sway back and forth, you could lift a hand to caress your husband/wife's cheek, you could tell him how good his butt looks in those pants, anything to bring the attention away from the photos.
Now this is called the unposed guide because we aim for an experience far from static posed awkwardness but that being said, we won't leave you stranded, wondering what to do next. We will take you to good light, make suggestions about where to walk or stand, and give you a starting place to get you cozied up to one another. At the end of the day, we want to give YOU the freedom to be yourself and find your own comfort.